Hydro Fog offers top of the line components in a range of configurations, alone or as part of a custom designed system.
is fabricated of 316L 3/8" O.D. stainless steel tube having nozzle ports machined from solid 316L stainless steel hex material fused onto the tube by a certified orbital G.T.A.W. welding process. This process allows the weld to be free of burn, grain elongation and sugaring that typically occurs when doing a T.I.G. weld by hand. More
are fabricated of the same solid high quality 316L stainless steel used in Hydro Fog's own Fozzeline®, making use of the same certified orbital weld technique, maintaining integrity and quality throughout. Nozzle Clusters are offered in seven basic configurations with tail lengths from 3" to 20'. More
are made of stainless steel and have a wide array of applications. Anti-drip valves are included that help to increase the life of the nozzle by preventing buildup of dissolved solids around the orifice and defeat dripping. The solid stainless nozzle defeats the possibility of foreign object damage (F.O.D.) due to the ejection of an insert under high pressure. This nozzle produces a 3 to 10 micron water droplet. More
from Hydro Fog allow flexibility in application while maintaining unsurpassed quality and performance. Available from Hydro Fog are a wide range of parts and accessories for any job, anywhere. More